Is Moringa Good for your Skin?

Written by: Pard Bharaj



Time to read 9 min

Image of Pard, the Author

Author: Pard Bharaj

I am a dedicated researcher with nearly a decade of experience in investigating health best practices. My journey in the health and wellness field has been driven by a passion for understanding and sharing the most effective ways to maintain and improve health. Over the years, I have delved into a wide range of topics, constantly seeking out the latest research and insights. My commitment is to provide well-researched, accurate, and trustworthy information to help readers make informed decisions about their health.

"Moringa - it's very good for your skin, it's very good for your hair, it's very, good for overall health!"

Dr. Vivek Joshi


Moringa oleifera, often hailed as a "miracle tree," it is without doubt one of the most nutritious plants in the world and also has a lot of evidence to show it can enhance skin health. Packed with essential nutrients and antioxidants, Moringa supplements and skincare products can provide a range of benefits for the skin, including anti-aging effects, improved hydration, detoxication and repair and cell regeneration. 

This article explores how incorporating Moringa into your diet or skincare routine can contribute to a healthier, more radiant complexion.

Moringa Interest Facts:

  • Nutrient-Rich: Moringa leaves are incredibly nutrient-dense. They contain four times more vitamin A than carrots, seven times more vitamin C than oranges, four times more calcium than milk, three times more potassium than bananas, and two times more protein than yogurt per gram.
  • Antioxidant Powerhouse: Moringa contains over 40 known antioxidant compounds. The leaves are particularly rich in vitamins C and E, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

  • Widespread Traditional Use: Moringa has been used in traditional medicine practices like Ayurveda for over 4,000 years to treat more than 300 conditions.
  • Economic Potential: The global market for Moringa products is expanding, with an expected growth to reach approximately $7 billion by 2025, demonstrating its increasing popularity and economic potential.

Is Moringa Good for your Skin? 

1. Skin Repair and Cell Regeneration:

Moringa has potent skin repair and cell-regenerative properties, mainly down to its rich nutrient profile. The plant contains significant levels of vitamins A and C, which are critical for skin health and cell growth. Vitamin A, or retinol, is essential for repairing skin tissue and maintaining a healthy dermis and epidermis. Vitamin C, is a potent antioxidant that aids in collagen synthesis, the protein that gives skin its elasticity and strength.

Beyond vitamins, Moringa is rich in cytokinins, plant hormones that promote cell division and growth. Zeatin, a specific type of cytokinin found abundantly in Moringa, has been shown to have potent anti-aging properties. It influences the cellular aging process and may help delay the aging of skin cells, supporting a more youthful appearance.

The high antioxidant content also protects the skin from environmental stresses and damage caused by free radicals, which can accelerate aging and degrade skin quality.

Asian man in traditional attire inspecting asian ginseng (panax) roots on a wooden table in a classical Chinese setting.

 2. Hydration and Nourishment 

Moringa enhances skin hydration and nourishment through its rich supply of essential nutrients. It contains vitamins such as vitamin A, which is vital for maintaining skin integrity, and vitamin C, known for its role in collagen production and skin repair. 

Additionally, Moringa provides essential fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6, which strengthen the skin's lipid barrier, helping to lock in moisture. 

The presence of zinc and iron in Moringa also supports skin health by promoting cell growth and protecting against oxidative damage, ensuring the skin stays hydrated and nourished from within.

Indian man grinding ginger in a mortar in a traditional Indian setting with architecture and sunlight.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Effects 

Moringa's effectiveness as a dietary supplement extends to reducing skin inflammation due to its high content of anti-inflammatory compounds. 

Rich in isothiocyanates and polyphenols, Moringa can significantly lower inflammation levels in the body, including the skin. These compounds help mitigate conditions like acne, eczema, and redness by calming inflamed tissues and promoting healing. 

Moringa supplements can thus help maintain a clearer, more even skin complexion by addressing underlying inflammation.

A stylized woman in Egyptian headdress holding a pomegranate with an ancient temple in the background.

4. Antimicrobial Properties 

Moringa is celebrated not only for its nutrient-rich profile but also for its antimicrobial properties, which make it effective in combating skin infections. Moringa can help the body fight off bacterial pathogens responsible for skin conditions such as acne and folliculitis. 

The plant's leaves contain compounds like pterygospermin that have been shown to exhibit antibacterial and antifungal activities. These properties help maintain skin health by reducing the likelihood of infection and promoting a clearer skin surface.

Man in ancient Greek attire grinding fenugreek in a courtyard.

5. Detoxification 

Moringa also has powerful detoxification benefits, largely due to its rich bioactive compounds and nutrients. The plant is high in chlorophyll, a pigment that helps remove toxins and heavy metals from the body, particularly supporting liver detoxification. 

Additionally, Moringa contains isothiocyanates which activate the liver’s detox pathways, enhancing the production of enzymes that convert toxins into less harmful compounds that are easier to excrete. The antioxidants in Moringa, such as vitamins C and E, quercetin, and beta-carotene, protect against oxidative damage and support the liver's functions by neutralising harmful free radicals. Moringa also provides essential amino acids, necessary for synthesising glutathione, an antioxidant crucial for effective detoxification.

These properties not only promote the cleansing of the liver but also support overall bodily health, making Moringa a valuable addition to detoxification.

A stylized woman in Egyptian headdress holding a pomegranate with an ancient temple in the background.

Moringa Oleifera Nutritional Table:

Moringa Oleifera Nutritional Table

"It has all of the essential amino acids, it has, more potassium than bananas, it has 2x more protein than milk, it has 4x more calcium than milk, it has 7x more vitamin C than oranges, it has 25x more iron than spinach, it has 36x more magnesium than eggs, it has 50x more vitamin B3 than peanuts, it has 56x more vitamin B2 than bananas, it’s antidiabetic, it’s antiarthritic, it’s a powerful antioxidant, it’s antiacne "

Dr. Eric Berg

How to take Moringa for Good Skin Health  

Moringa can be beneficial for skin health both as a dietary supplement and when applied topically. Consuming Moringa in forms such as capsules, powder, or tea can provide antioxidants and nutrients that promote healthy skin from the inside. 

Topically, Moringa oil or a paste made from Moringa leaf powder can be applied directly to the skin. This can help moisturise, reduce inflammation, and enhance skin's vibrancy due to its hydrating and antioxidant properties. 

Health Considerations Potential Side Effects: 

  • Contaminants: Source moringa products from reputable suppliers to minimise the risk of contamination with harmful substances such as heavy metals or bacteria.
  • Common Side Effects: Side effects from moringa are very rare, but when they do occur, they may include digestive discomfort and an allergic reaction in hypersensitive individuals.
  • Pregnant Women: Pregnant women should use moringa cautiously. Consult a healthcare professional before starting moringa supplements or using skincare products containing moringa, as it contains compounds that could influence hormone levels.
  • Interactions with Medications: Moringa may alter the effectiveness of prescription medications due to its high vitamin and mineral content. It is particularly important to consider potential interactions with diabetes medications and blood thinners.
  • Autoimmune Diseases: Individuals with autoimmune conditions should use moringa cautiously as it may stimulate the immune system, potentially exacerbating symptoms. Always discuss with a healthcare provider before starting new supplements or skincare routines.
  • Skincare Products: Moringa in skincare is generally safe and beneficial, offering anti-inflammatory and moisturising properties. However, as with any product, patch testing is recommended to rule out any skin sensitivity.
  • Dosage Guidelines: Follow the recommended dosages for moringa supplements to avoid potential side effects. Dosages can vary widely depending on the form of moringa and the specific health goals.


In conclusion, my personal experience with Moringa through our vitality green blend supplement, which includes five other superfoods, underscores its benefits for skin health and energy levels. I use it nearly every day and have noticed significant improvements in my skin's health, which I attribute to the rich nutrient content and detoxification capabilities of Moringa as well as the other ingredients.

Given the powerful ingredients, I take it in moderation—a little goes a long way in harnessing these benefits without overdoing it. This balanced approach helps maintain my skin’s health and overall vitality.

References and Further Reading:

1. Moringa oleifera is a Prominent Source of Nutrients with Potential Health Benefits

This study (published in the National Library of Medicine), concluded Moringa to be a prominent source of nutrients, as well as being a significant anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-cancer and anti-tumor, good for blood pressure and fantastic for immune resilience support.

2. Enhancement of human skin facial revitalization by moringa leaf extract cream

This study explores the effects of a cream formulated with Moringa oleifera leaf extract on human facial skin. It finds significant improvements in skin volume, texture, and overall revitalization, suggesting the cream's potential for anti-aging benefits due to Moringa's rich antioxidant properties. The results underscore Moringa's effectiveness in enhancing skin health and appearance when used in topical skincare applications.

3. Moringa oleifera: An Updated Comprehensive Review of Its Pharmacological Activities, Ethnomedicinal, Phytopharmaceutical Formulation, Clinical, Phytochemical, and Toxicological Aspects

Enhancement of human skin facial revitalisation by moringa leaf extract cream" investigates the effects of a topical cream containing Moringa oleifera leaf extract on skin health. It reports significant enhancements in skin parameters such as volume, texture, and overall appearance, supporting the anti-aging benefits of Moringa when used in skincare products. The study's findings highlight the potential of Moringa extract in improving skin vitality and reducing signs of aging.

4. Potential Anti-aging Components From Moringa oleifera Leaves Explored by Affinity Ultrafiltration With Multiple Drug Targets

The article titled "Potential Anti-aging Components From Moringa oleifera Leaves Explored by Affinity Ultrafiltration With Multiple Drug Targets" from Frontiers in Nutrition discusses a study that identifies bioactive components in Moringa oleifera leaves which show promise as anti-aging agents for skin care.

5. The oil from Moringa oleifera seeds accelerates chronic skin wound healing 

This study investigates the healing effects of Moringa oleifera seed oil (MOSO) and oleic acid (OA) on chronic skin wounds in immunosuppressed and diabetic mice. It finds that both MOSO and OA significantly enhance wound closure, improve collagen content, and increase myofibroblast activity, which are crucial for effective wound healing.

6. Moringa oleifera Seed Oil Formulation Physical Stability and Chemical Constituents for Enhancing Skin Hydration and Antioxidant Activity

This study assesses the effects of Moringa oleifera seed oil in a cream formulation on skin hydration and antioxidant activity. The research demonstrates that the cream not only improves skin hydration but also exhibits in vitro antioxidant properties, without causing skin irritation, suggesting its suitability for cosmetic and pharmaceutical uses.

7. Moringa oleifera stem extract protect skin keratinocytes against oxidative stress injury by enhancement of antioxidant defense systems and activation of PPARα

This study investigates the effects of Moringa oleifera stem ethanol extract (MSE) on oxidative stress in skin cells and mice exposed to UVB and H2O2. The results demonstrate that MSE enhances antioxidant defense and activates PPARα, which mediates protective effects against oxidative damage.

8. Bioactive Components in Moringa Oleifera Leaves Protect against Chronic Disease

This study published in  PubMed  found Moringa Oleifera to have a rich nutritional profile particularly for the content of bioactive compounds.  These compounds are believed to offer protection against chronic diseases . The study suggests that Moringa Oleifera can be beneficial in managing and preventing several health conditions.

9. Moringa oleifera: A review on nutritive importance and its medicinal application

This study published in  ScienceDirect , found Moringa Oleifera to be a  highly nutritious, containing a variety of essential phytochemicals  in its leaves, pods, and seeds. It is rich in minerals like  calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, and copper,  as well as vitamins such as vitamin A, B, C, D, and E.  The plant is known for its high content of vitamins and minerals compared to common foods; for example, it has more vitamin C than oranges and more iron than spinach. The study highlights the potential use of Moringa oleifera in treating diabetes and cancer. Its anti-diabetic properties are attributed to its ability to reduce blood glucose levels  and protect beta cells in the pancreas .  The plant's anticancer properties are linked to its ability to induce apoptosis in cancer cells through the production of reactive oxygen species.

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